
Show Year: 2021
Class: High Training Jumper
Place Money points Issues Class # # Judged Horse Rider Owner
2 $55 10.00 401 4 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
1 $1,500 30.00 501 4 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
Show Year: 2019
Class: High Training Jumper
Place Money points Issues Class # # Judged Horse Rider Owner
2 $65 10.00 431 7 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
1 $0 0.00 433 2 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
Show Year: 2018
Class: Missing class code, or not enough information to determine class
Place Money points Issues Class # # Judged Horse Rider Owner
4 $300 0.00 501 15 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
3 $999.9 0.00 521 16 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
Class: Missing class code, or not enough information to determine class
Place Money points Issues Class # # Judged Horse Rider Owner
1 $90 0.00 414 3 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101) Bailey Fuller (1101)
Class: N/A
Place Money points Issues Class # # Judged Horse Rider Owner
6 $25 0.00 405 13 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101)
8 $175 0.00 501 16 Belladonna (2496) Bailey Fuller (1101)