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Welcome to the News & Media section of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association (AHJA)! Here, you’ll find the latest updates, announcements, and highlights from our community. Stay informed about upcoming events, important rule changes, member spotlights, and more.

We are dedicated to keeping our members and the wider equestrian community connected and engaged. Whether you’re a competitor, trainer, or enthusiastic supporter, our news updates aim to keep you in the loop about everything happening within AHJA.

  • 11/19/2024 10:05 AM | Laura Brown (Administrator)

    $1,000 Collegiate/Higher Education Scholarship Application

    Due: December 31, 2024

    1.Applicant must be a current member of AHJA.
    2.Applicant must have competed in at least 3 AHJA Regional, State or Local shows or clinics in the 2024 show season.
    3.Applicant must also be a high school senior entering college in the fall of 2025.

    The AHJA Board of directors will complete the application review and recommendation of winner. The scholarship will be awarded at the AHJA Year End Banquet – January 2025. The $1,000 winner is ineligible to re-apply for the AHJA Scholarship.

    Instructions for submitting an application: Fill out the entire application and submit the following supporting documentation with application to 

    a. A personal letter explaining in detail what contributions you have made to AHJA and the sport of hunter/jumpers that renders you the most viable candidate for this scholarship. Include related volunteer experiences. Please limit to 2 pages.

    b. Recommendation letters from three (3) adults, not related to you. One must be your current trainer or profession member of AHJA if you do not have a trainer.

    c. High school transcripts of grades showing current GPA and full-time status.

    Scholarship Info-Application - 2024.pdf

    Applications plus supporting documentation must be submitted by 
    December 31, 2024

  • 10/31/2024 5:28 PM | Laura Brown (Administrator)

    AHJA Board Nominations Open for 2025!

    AHJA is now accepting nominations for board seats for the upcoming 2025 term! If you're a senior member in good standing and ready to dedicate your time to the administrative duties of AHJA, consider this rewarding opportunity to make an impact in our community. Self-nominations are welcome!

    ️ Nomination Period: November 1st - November 20th 2024

    Meetings: Held monthly, in-person or via teleconference

    ✨ 2025 Strategic Plan Launching December 1st

    If a board seat isn’t the right fit, but you’re passionate about leadership, we encourage you to join or chair one of our committees! Openings include Education, Awards, and USHJA Liaison. Committee leaders will help shape initiatives, manage a team of volunteers, and work independently from day-to-day operations.

    Submit your nomination here:

    #AHJA #HunterJumper #EquestrianLeadership #AHJABoard

  • 09/30/2024 2:00 PM | Laura Brown (Administrator)

    AHJA Update 09.30.24

    AHJA Board Update: 

    On September 26th the AHJA board was given notice of Michelle Henderson’s resignation. On Friday September 27th the board met and voted on the following additions and changes: 

    • Julie Williams, Vice President will assume the role of President.
    • Lauren Lacasse, Secretary will assume the role of Treasurer.
    • Laura Brown was voted onto the board and will assume the role of Secretary. She will also continue in her paid role tabulating points for year-end awards and USHJA nominations.  
    • Sierra Egge will remain on the board and continue in her role as the Chair of the Communication Committee. 
    • Theresa Egge will remain on the board and will continue in her role as the Chair for Medal Finals.  

    Non-Board Chairs:

    • Kathy Ruhes: Sponsorship 
    • Kristen Hillenbrand: Banquet

    September 30th Board Meeting Highlights: 

    Board Nominations: 
    The AHJA board voted to open nominations for those seeking a leadership role in AHJA beginning January 1, 2025. The nomination window will be from October 30th -November 30th.  

     A communication outlining the prospective positions, expectations of a board member, job descriptions for each position, and anticipated time and term commitments, will be sent via email to all AHJA members in good standing and posted on beginning October 30th


    Many of you replied to our survey indicating you were interested in serving on a committee or volunteering at an event. A committee chair or board member will be reaching over the next few weeks. If you volunteered for more than one opportunity you will be contacted by each chair. Any member in good standing is eligible to join a committee.  


    Please remember, the proper communication channel to reach out to AHJA is through email:  

    AHJA communicates to its members solely via the website, official AHJA social media channels and AHJA approved emails. We cannot be responsible for the timeliness or accuracy of information found elsewhere. 

    Member Input: 

    The AHJA board meets monthly. The next board meeting is Friday, November 1st, at 12pm, via Zoom. 

    Any member in good standing is welcome to email AHJA and request to attend the board meeting and present an idea or discuss a concern. 

    Upcoming Events: 

    AHJA Medal Finals
    • When: Saturday, November 9th, 2024 (Morning)
    • Where: Tucson Fall Classic Horse Show
    • Breakfast will be provided for all attendees.
    • Special awards for all AHJA Medal Qualifiers.
    • Still time to qualify for this event!
    AHJA Year End Banquet
    • When: Saturday, January 25th, 2025 (Evening)
    • Where: Phoenix Zoo
    • Theme: It’s going to be WILD!
    • Join us for a fun-filled night with awards, animal experiences, and more!
    • Sponsorship opportunities for our AHJA Year End Awards Banquet program are available

    AHJA Mission & Vision

    Mission Statement

    The mission of AHJA is to unify, represent and recognize Arizonans participating in the hunter jumper disciplines.  

    Vision Statement

    We strive to be the leading advocate for excellence in the Hunter Jumper discipline in Arizona such that we cultivate passion for horses and competition with a focus on education, horsemanship and sportsmanship.

  • 09/12/2024 3:00 PM | Laura Brown (Administrator)

    September Rule Change Requests and Final Decisions:


    Rule Change Request submitted by: Michele Bourquin AHJA member #159 *Membership for 2024 is EXPIRED*

    • Current Rule: 2.1a.5. State/Category 1 or Regional/Category 3: No shows on the same date will be approved that are within 125 driving miles of each other.
    • Proposed Rule: 2.1a.5a. Regional/Category 3: No out of state shows on the same date of any rated Arizona show will be approved. 

    Argument: The rule book restricts shows from being approved if they conflict with the AHJA banquet, any AHJA sponsored clinic, the AHJA medal finals or the zone 8 finals. Asking that no out of state shows be approved if they are in conflict with rated AZ shows is in line with the existing rule designed to protect other AZ events. Just in California alone there are shows almost every week. We have only a limited number of shows in AZ that are struggling to survive. Changing the rule to protect AZ shows will be in line with AHJA's mandate to serve the Arizona hunter/jumper community as a whole.


    1. The Board discussed the rule change in tandem with the membership survey results.


    • The survey results demonstrated our member base, as well as the H/J community at large: 
    • A) Seeks acknowledgement wherever they show (62.79%).  
    • B) Do not select the shows they attend based on where they can earn AHJA year end points (78.29%). 
    • C) Believe that both shows should count or would still attend an out of state show instead of an in-state show even if they did not receive AHJA points (53.49%). 
    2. Current Memberships: 144 Regional members, 19 State members and 29 Local members. The majority of our membership base has elected to participate in the Regional membership category.


    • With the survey results and current membership numbers in mind, the board voted unanimously against the rule change. 

    Rule Change Request submitted by: Michele Bourquin AHJA member #159 *Membership for 2024 is EXPIRED*


    • Current: 11.01. These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by majority of the Directors present at any special meeting, if at least two days' written notice is given of intention to alter, amend or repeal these Bylaws or to adopt new Bylaws at such meeting.
    • Proposed: In 3.02 NUMBER, TENURE and QUALIFICATIONS, Only 'number of board of directors' is covered. Tenure and qualifications have been missed. 
    I am proposing the following changes to the Bylaws 3.02 NUMBER, TENURE and QUALIFICATIONS
    • A. NUMBER. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of no less than one (1) director and no more than five (5) directors. The initial Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) directors. The number of directors may be increased or decreased by a majority vote of the full Board of Directors at any annual or special meeting called for that purpose. 
    • B. TENURE. Each Board of Directors will serve a tenure of one year. New Directors will be elected by majority vote by ballot of current association members in good standing. Directors may serve more than once but must be reelected to a new term each year. Election of the Board of Directors will take place in November. Newly elected Board member terms will start in December. 
    • C. QUALIFICATIONS. All Board of Director members shall be members of AHJA in good standing with ties in the Arizona hunter/jumper community. 

    I propose these changes go into effect during 2024

    Argument: The membership of AHJA should have input and participation in the governing body of their association. A membership elected Board of Directors is a routine and successful way to ensure that an association membership has input into the governance of the club organization that is in place to serve them. Bylaws are 'living' documents and are designed to be changed and amended to fit the changing needs of the membership. 


    The board discussed the following points regarding this proposal to amend the current bylaws:

    1. The majority of the membership base and H/J community at large has not joined a committee/ volunteered their time in support of AHJA (80.62%).

    2. The majority of the membership base and H/J community at large are not interested in joining a committee/volunteering their time in support of AHJA (56.59%).

    3. AHJA is a volunteer run organization; there is simply not enough interest in joining the board/committees to justify the additional time and work it would take to run yearly elections for board members, train incoming members, etc.

    4. The board discussed the question of if a one-year term limit was enough time to affect positive change in the organization. It was determined that a 1-year term is not enough time to affect positive change in the organization.


    • With these points in mind, the board voted unanimously against this proposed amendment to the bylaws. 
    September 2024 Rule Change Decisions.pdf


Arizona Hunter Jumper Association

8776 E Shea Blvd

Ste 106-1080

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Copyright  2024 Arizona Hunter Jumper Association | 501(c) 4 Organization 

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