AHJA Update 09.30.24
AHJA Board Update:
On September 26th the AHJA board was given notice of Michelle Henderson’s resignation. On Friday September 27th the board met and voted on the following additions and changes:
- Julie Williams, Vice President will assume the role of President.
- Lauren Lacasse, Secretary will assume the role of Treasurer.
- Laura Brown was voted onto the board and will assume the role of Secretary. She will also continue in her paid role tabulating points for year-end awards and USHJA nominations.
- Sierra Egge will remain on the board and continue in her role as the Chair of the Communication Committee.
- Theresa Egge will remain on the board and will continue in her role as the Chair for Medal Finals.
Non-Board Chairs:
- Kathy Ruhes: Sponsorship
- Kristen Hillenbrand: Banquet
September 30th Board Meeting Highlights:
Board Nominations:
The AHJA board voted to open nominations for those seeking a leadership role in AHJA beginning January 1, 2025. The nomination window will be from October 30th -November 30th.
A communication outlining the prospective positions, expectations of a board member, job descriptions for each position, and anticipated time and term commitments, will be sent via email to all AHJA members in good standing and posted on AHJA.org beginning October 30th.
Many of you replied to our survey indicating you were interested in serving on a committee or volunteering at an event. A committee chair or board member will be reaching over the next few weeks. If you volunteered for more than one opportunity you will be contacted by each chair. Any member in good standing is eligible to join a committee.
Please remember, the proper communication channel to reach out to AHJA is through email: info@AHJA.org.
AHJA communicates to its members solely via the website AHJA.org, official AHJA social media channels and AHJA approved emails. We cannot be responsible for the timeliness or accuracy of information found elsewhere.
Member Input:
The AHJA board meets monthly. The next board meeting is Friday, November 1st, at 12pm, via Zoom.
Any member in good standing is welcome to email AHJA and request to attend the board meeting and present an idea or discuss a concern.
Upcoming Events:
AHJA Medal Finals
- When: Saturday, November 9th, 2024 (Morning)
- Where: Tucson Fall Classic Horse Show
- Breakfast will be provided for all attendees.
- Special awards for all AHJA Medal Qualifiers.
- Still time to qualify for this event!
AHJA Year End Banquet
- When: Saturday, January 25th, 2025 (Evening)
- Where: Phoenix Zoo
- Theme: It’s going to be WILD!
- Join us for a fun-filled night with awards, animal experiences, and more!
- Sponsorship opportunities for our AHJA Year End Awards Banquet program are available
AHJA Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of AHJA is to unify, represent and recognize Arizonans participating in the hunter jumper disciplines.
Vision Statement
We strive to be the leading advocate for excellence in the Hunter Jumper discipline in Arizona such that we cultivate passion for horses and competition with a focus on education, horsemanship and sportsmanship.